Natasha Lozova
Look at this beautiful Russian girl from the old city Samara. Her name is Natasha Lozova. She was born on December 3, 1987. There’s not much information about her. Natasha participated in different web competitions on Russian site Moi Mir – Cinderella, Girls In Bikini, etc. and took part in beauty contests. Now she is a model. Her photos are used by scammers on different international dating sites. But why some people don’t want to use their face as their avatar?
When you create a fake person with fake interests and fake pictures, it is FAKE. That goes against everything social media is supposed to be about.
But an avatar is simply a graphical representation of the user. You know, even a tiny icon can be classed as an avatar. Some people have one as a symbol. They use random pictures for forum avatars and it’s normal. But when you use photos of another person on dating sites…
I get if people use a celebrity or movie character, but when women use stolen pictures and accept compliments on their comments page, oh how pathetic.
It’s not always a, “Oh, they must be really ugly” issue. It’s as simple as privacy. Some might be in positions of potential embarrassment. Ones in law, teaching, public eye. Celebs are people too and have the same desires as other people. Should they not have privacy if they wish to play on-line?
The Internet allows us to escape from real life, it’s a fantasy world. Some people don’t feel comfortable using pictures of themselves, but they will use pictures that are direct representations or aspects of themselves, this I totally understand.
In my opinion, people are being unrealistic if they come to a site, expecting everyone to be telling the truth about what they look like or what type of person they are.
Sure, there are also a lot of people who show pictures of their real selves and are open and honest about who they are.
But you take the risk when you go to any Internet site, there are a lot of fakes everywhere.
Maybe it sounds silly, but there are many fakes in real life too.